How to Get Precious Plume & It’s Uses in Palworld

Precious Plume is a rare material that can be obtained when you defeat or capture certain Pals and it can come in large amounts.

You will often obtain this material when you defeat flying Field Bosses or Alpha Pals as rare materials often drop from them.

There is not a lot that can be done with this material aside from selling it for some extra Gold Coins to merchants.

Precious Plume (Material) in Palworld

How To Get Precious Plume?

defeating Nitewing Pal to get Precious Plume

You can get a Precious Plume in different amounts when defeating Boss and Alpha Pals that have feathers or wings, such as a Nitewing, Quivern, Beakon, and more.

Pals that drop Precious Plume may be encountered as Field Bosses, Dungeon Bosses, Cave Bosses, or Alpha Pals depending on where you go.

Some Pals may drop more Precious Plumes than others and it is a good idea to target the weaker Field Bosses first before moving up to tougher ones.

Alpha/Boss Pals That Drop Precious Plume

  • Beakon (4-6)
  • Beegarde (2-4)
  • Cawgnito (1-2)
  • Celaray (1-2)
  • Chikipi (1-2)
  • Cinnamoth (2-4)
  • Dazemu (2-3)
  • Dragostrophe (6-8)
  • Elizabee (2-24)
  • Elphidran (2-3)
  • Elphidran Aqua (3-4)
  • Faleris (4-6)
  • Galeclaw (2-4)
  • Helzephyr (4-6)
  • Helzephyr Lux (2-3)
  • Hoocrates (1-3)
  • Nitewing (4-6)
  • Quivern (2-4)
  • Quivern botan (2-3)
  • Ragnahawk (4-6)
  • Rayhound (4-6)
  • Shadowbeak (6-8)
  • Suzaku (4-6)
  • Suzaku Aqua (5-7)
  • Tocotoco (1-2)
  • Vanwyrm (4-6)
  • Vanwyrm Cryst (5-7)
  • Warsect (2-4)
  • Warsect Terra (2-3)

 Precious Plume Uses

If you need the extra Gold Coins, you can always sell Precious Plumes to a Wandering Merchant as this can get you a good amount if you have a lot.

Precious Plumes can be sold to a Wandering Merchant for 750 Gold Coins, making it worth collecting just in case you are running short.


Precious Plumes seem to drop often unlike some of the more valuable rare materials as long as you target Pals that seem to have feathers.

Nitewing, Quivern, and Beakon are some of the easier Field Bosses that you can target to get Precious Plume but Alpha Pals can also be defeated or captured to get the material too.

Once you have a lot of Precious Plumes, you may want to consider selling them if you are short on Gold  Coins since there is currently no other use for them.

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