Baldur’s Gate 3 Wyll (How to Recruit, Location & Romance)

Wyll Ravengard is one of the origin characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 that you may encounter during Act I, who is currently on the hunt for a certain Karlach.

You first meet this Warlock when you arrive at the grove, witnessing his skills as he helps fight back the Goblin raiders that reach the gate that leads into the Grove.

Regardless of his class, Wyll possesses The Blade of Frontiers passive, which gives him proficiency with rapiers, and this makes him great for both melee combat and spell casting.

Wyll BG3

Where To Find Wyll?

Wyll location with map

You first encounter Wyll at the grove defending the party being chased by Goblins, rushes to the gate and may later be found in The Hollow.

Wyll will often be at the grove as you complete quests but will finally be found near the gate if you have finished defending the grove or have defeated the Goblin Leaders.

If you fail to recruit Wyll before recruiting Karlach, he will eventually appear at your camp after you have gone through with a Long Rest.

How To Recruit Wyll?

convincing Wyll to join your team

Once you have saved the grove by defeating the Goblin Leaders before a raid is initiated or if you successfully defend the grove, Wyll will be near the gate.

You can speak to Wyll to start a cutscene where you may eventually convince him to join you since both of you have tadpoles in your heads.

If you recruit Karlach before Wyll, he will later appear at your camp, and you can go through recruiting him there as well as ending the feud between the two of them.

Wyll Uses

Wyll’s is a Fiend Warlock, which gives him powerful attacks since he has traded his soul for power, and this gives him the ability to dish out a lot of damage.

Aside from being a Warlock and using spells, Wyll is capable of fighting enemies efficiently at melee range thanks to his proficiency with rapiers from his passive. (The Blade of Frontiers)

This gives you a fighter that is strong with spells and melee attacks, making him usable for certain situations in battle.

Wyll Romance

Getting on Wyll’s good side is often best done with being a heroic character and this eventually involves siding with the groves and fighting evil. (Approval from Wyll can lead to romancing)

Wyll is a righteous person and prefers it when you act and make choices that a valiant hero would, which includes defending the helpless and being kind to others.

Being a valiant character, Wyll dislikes it when you do evil deeds and resort to unnecessary violence as well as any cooperation done with his patron, Mizora.

Finding Karlach

devil named Karlach in bg3

When you meet Wyll, he will mention that he is hunting a devil named Karlach and upon finding her, he will be hostile during a cutscene.

Your dialogue choices will determine whether the two of them end up seeing eye to eye or if a fight begins. (You can resort to passing an Ability Check to do this)

This allows you to have both Karlach and Wyll if you are successful during the cutscene, which will resolve their issues with one another.


Wyll can be a useful addition to your party due to his fighting style in combat, giving you a Warlock that can fight enemies at close range.

During the story, Wyll has to deal with his past as he had sold his soul to Mizora and this resulted in him getting his fiendish powers.

Despite having a goal to hunt down evil, he joins your party in hopes of removing the tadpole regardless of whether you help him hunt down Karlach.

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