How To Revive Allies in BG3

Sometimes a battle in Baldur’s Gate 3 can get too tough and one of your parties may be knocked out or even killed in a fight.

There will be many fights ahead and sometimes exploring can get your characters downed and killed in the process, which makes it important to know how to help them up.

A member of your party that is downed may be helped back up or even healed but those who are killed will require being brought back through other means.

Enemies killed in BG3 battle

How To Revive A Fallen Ally?

1) Help Using Another Character

Helping attacked character in the game to revive using a party member

If a character has been downed in battle, they will be unable to get up on their own and will have some time before they die.

To prevent them from dying, you can have one of your party members approach them and help them up, which leaves them with low health and a skipped turn.

During combat, this will consume a whole turn for a character and once helped up, a character will not be able to do anything until their next turn.

2) Using A Healing Spell

Using a Healing Spell to revive the downed characters in the battle

Certain characters will have healing spells, such as Cleric and one of the first ones you encounter is Shadowheart, which makes her a potential team healer.

Characters that learn healing spells can use them in and out of battle, allowing you to heal and help downed characters.

Healing a character that has been downed will cause them to get back up on their feet, but they will need to wait until their next turn before they can do anything.

3) Throwing A Potion

Throwing a Potion to heal the attacked character in the fight

Potions are a great way to heal yourself or your allies, but this isn’t the only use for such consumables as they can also be thrown.

Since you can heal your allies from a distance by throwing a Potion of Healing at them or another healing item, you can help them back up.

This makes it ideal to stalk up on Potions of Healing but keep in mind that an ally that is revived in this manner will also have to wait until their next turn before attacking.

How To Resurrect Dead Ally?

1) Revivify Spell

Using Revivify spell to resurrect a character died

Revivify is a spell that can be used to resurrect a character right where they have died but this requires you to have a way to use the spell.

This will either be by using a Scroll of Revivify or if you have a character that has the Revivify spell learned. (Necromancy)

Having at least one character that can cast Revivify or carrying a few Scrolls of Revivify can help you out if your allies perish unexpectedly.

2) Withers

Withers, NPC in BG3

Once you have progressed a bit in Act I, you will find an NPC named Withers in your camp, who provides certain services for Gold.

Should one of your characters get killed and you find yourself without a way to use the Revivify Spell, you can pay Withers to resurrect the dead character.

This will cause Withers to channel his powers, teleporting the resurrected character to your camp along with their complete inventory.


When it comes to the aftermath of a battle, it is easy to help up a downed ally but when engaged with multiple enemies, things are different.

The ability to quickly save a member of your party as well as restore health is crucial to their survival and being able to attack later.

Making sure that your party has access to Potions of Healing and spells that can heal can improve survivability in a tough fight.

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