Volo Location & How to Save Him at Goblin Camp in Baldur’s gate 3

While you make your way into the Goblin Camp, you eventually encounter a man who seems to be a Bard who has been taken as a prisoner.

His name is Volo, but he has been reduced to the Goblins’ entertainment and will need your help with escaping them, which happens after you get him in trouble.

Rescuing Volo will eventually allow you to meet you in your camp and may have a benefit that you may find useful later.

Volo in BG3

Where To Find Volo?

Volo location

Volo can be found once you reach the Goblin Camp just where the partying is going on and will be seen performing in front of the Goblins.

This is one of the first things you encounter before reaching the entrance to the Shattered Sanctum and you may even encounter the Owlbear Cub nearby.

Once you speak with Volo, he will get in trouble after being unable to perform and will eventually be taken to his cage in the Shattered Sanctum.

You may find Volo in the last door to the right where prisoners are kept, which is near the room where Abdirak performs his rituals for Loviatar.

How To Save Volo?

getting the Cage Key from Gribbo to release Volo from his cage

To get Volo out of his cage, you will need to deal with Gribbo as this Goblin considers the man to be her pet, which she refers to as a pigeon.

Gribbo is easy to kill but there will be another Goblin patrolling the area who often enters the room where Volo is kept.

You will need to get the Cage Key from Gribbo, which can be done by speaking to her and passing an Ability Check that will end up with her giving it to you.

Another way would be to sneak to a spot where Gribbo cannot see you and attack her for an instant kill since she has low health. (This may alert the Goblin that is patrolling if her body is seen)

Once you have obtained the Cage Key from speaking to Gribbo or if you have killed her, you may unlock the cage that Volo is being held in.

Eventually, you and Volo will speak, which will allow you to tell him to meet you at your camp before he drinks a Potion of Invisibility and runs away.

Meeting Volo at The Camp

speaking to volo about the Mind Flayer in your head

Once you take a long rest, you will find Volo at your camp and may speak to him about the Mind Flayer Tadpole in your head.

Volo will offer to do research and will later offer to take the tadpole out of your head, which is risky since he will end up taking your eye by performing surgery on you.

This will later end up with your eye being removed and Volo compensating you with Volo’s Ersatz Eye for the damage that he has done.


Like some of the enemies that you encounter, Gribbo can be dealt with using the right dialogue and passing an Ability Check, which allows you to avoid getting into a fight.

If you are saving Volo before you proceed with other quests, it would be best to resolve things peacefully to avoid getting all the Goblins to attack you.

Volo may have a risky procedure later, but the benefits are quite worth your while if you decide to let him perform his experiment on you.

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