How to Get Into & Escape Goblin Camp in Baldur’s Gate 3

During Act 1, you will have several quests that require you to reach the Goblin Camp and proceed with making your way to the Shattered Sanctum.

The only problem is that there are several Goblins and other creatures (including humans) at the camp who can be a threat if you arrive without an invitation.

It is a good thing that there are multiple ways for you to get inside, which may be done depending on how you plan to progress in the game.

Shattered Sanctum in BG3

How To Get into The Goblin Camp?

Goblin Camp Baldur's Gate 3

1) Save the Goblin Sazza

One of the easiest ways for you to get into the Goblin Camp is to save Sazza, a Goblin who has been locked up after being captured during their unsuccessful raid.

You can save Sazza from being executed and later release her from her cage before escorting her out of the grove.

She will later vouch for you and help you get into the Goblin Camp and even take you straight to Minthara, where you can decide to help Druid Grove or side with The Absolute.

2) Persuade the guard

If you try to enter through the main entrance leading to the Goblin Camp, you will be stopped by the guards and interrogated.

This will give you a chance to pass an Ability Check that will end up with the guards letting you through, allowing you to reach the Shattered Sanctum safely.

Failing the Ability Check may result in you getting into a battle with the guards and they will attempt to call other Goblins to their aid.

3) Sneak into the Goblin Camp

A straightforward fight can sometimes end up using up a lot of your items or even end with your party getting severely hurt or killed.

This makes it a good idea to focus on stealthily making your way around sneaking into the Goblin Camp or eliminating as many enemies as possible before a battle occurs.

Entering the Shattered Sanctum after making your way through will give you a chance to peacefully enter once you are held up by the guards inside.

4) Fight your way through the Goblin Camp

If you don’t save Sazza, fail the Ability Check, or get caught trying to sneak in, the last resort you have is to fight your way through the enemies.

It would be good to focus on those nearest to you and relocate, when possible, as more and more Goblins and other members of The Absolute will join to attack you.

Sometimes it may be a good idea to prepare beforehand if you are planning on doing your very own raid on the Goblin Camp.

How To Escape the Goblin Camp?

If you happen to get caught or have finished what you need to do but find yourself about to be caught in the middle of a fight, running away can end badly.

Should you find a safe spot to open your map, you can easily teleport to any of the waypoints that you have unlocked to leave the Goblin Camp.

This is the easiest way to get out if you can fast travel and you can even come back later to finish them off if you want.


Saving Sazza the Goblin is the best way to get into the Goblin Camp if you want to progress quickly and have a safe passage.

Multiple quests can be completed when you visit the Goblin Camp, and it would be best to finish them one by one based on which one is closest to you.

Defeating the enemies in the Goblin Camp is a good way to get loot but don’t forget to speak to the Trader there just in case he has something you might want.

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