How To Get Out of Jail in Baldur’s Gate 3

When at the grove, you might tend to do some naughty things that can end up with you getting in trouble and sometimes this can lead to you being imprisoned.

This means that you will be locked up and will have to break out of the prison cell, which can be done in more than one way.

Choosing the best way for you depends on your playstyle as there are easy ways and some may be complicated.

Prison Cell in BG3

How To Get Out Of Prison?

1) Lockpick Rusted Prison Door

using Thieves’ Tools to open open the Rusted Prison Door in bg3

One of the easiest ways to open the Rusted Prison Door is to pass a set of Thieves’ Tools to the character that is imprisoned.

This is because you won’t be able to pick the lock from the outside for some reason and the game notifies you saying that the character cannot reach the door.

Another character can transfer Thieves’ Tools from one character to the one that was imprisoned, and they can pick the lock themselves after a Sleight of Hand Check.

This would be the fastest way for you to escape since and is the preferred method to avoid the difficult fight in the Underground Passage.

2) Underground Passage

escaping from the Prison through the Underground Passage

If no Thieves’ Tools are available, you can always escape into the Underground Passage, which is by destroying the broken door near the Bedroll in the prison cell.

You can punch the door and it will break, allowing you to step outside and jump your way to the entrance of the Underground Passage. (Watch out for exploding Malnourished Torchstalks)

Along the way, you will be able to pick up a Pitchfork, which you can use on your way to fight past the Goblins in the Underground Passage.

It would be ideal to send your party to the other side to attack the Goblins since doing this solo might get your character killed. (Or you can attempt to sneak and run past them)

Fugitive Condition

Escaping the prison will cause your character to be affected by the Fugitive condition, which makes them a wanted criminal that guards will capture on sight.

You can wait for this to go away since it will take 18 turns but since there is no combat in the area, this goes away rather quickly.

Once the Fugitive condition has disappeared, your character can safely roam around again without worrying about getting caught.

Getting Your Equipment Back

Equipment Chest where the items of a prisoner are stored in BG3

When you are imprisoned, all your items aside from your clothes and armor will be taken away from you and these can be reacquired once you get out.

There are two chests outside of the prison, which are an Equipment Chest and an Evidence Chest that may be opened. (You can get your Thieves’ Tools from the chest if they were taken)

The Equipment Chest will contain all the items that were on your character while the Evidence Chest will contain any items that you stole. (You can loot this too)


Getting caught by the guards doesn’t happen that often unless you try to continue doing something illegal since you get a warning first.

Once you get out of prison, things go back to normal quickly and you won’t have to worry about hostilities some of the people won’t like you, but you can donate to them to fix this.

Since you can control your other characters while you are in prison, they can easily transfer or find Thieves’ Tools to transfer to the imprisoned character.

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