Palworld Saya & Selyne Tower Boss (Location, Defeating & Drops)

Saya & Selyne serve as the new Tower Boss pair that was added in the Sakurajima Update, who lead from the Moonflower Tower.

They oversee what happens on Sakurajima and lead the samurai-like humans that often attack you out in the open when you explore.

This duo is considered to be one of the most challenging Tower Bosses due to the damage that Selyne can do, especially when they work together to fight you.

Saya & Selyne (Tower Boss) in Palworld

Saya & Selyne Location

Saya & Selyne location map (challenging these tower bosses can be done at the Moonflower Tower)

You may challenge Saya & Selyne at the Moonflower Tower, which can be found near the Dancing Sakura Shrine on Sakurajima.

The location of the Moonflower Tower is around (-596, 205) and there is a waypoint nearby that you may unlock to reach the Moonflower Tower Entrance.

Fighting Saya & Selyne

Saya & Selyne will come at you with Neutral Attacks, which makes it a good idea to use Dark Pals since they will take less damage from Selyne and deal more damage to this Pal.

This Tower Boss will make use of all of Selynes abilities and you will want to watch out for Moonlight Beam, which is a continuous beam of light that deals a lot of damage.

Another ability to watch out for is Star Mine as this fills the area with several spherical mines that explode if you get too close.

Lastly, another strong ability that Selyne has is Holy Burst, which marks an area before a blast of light deals insane damage, capable of one-hitting Pals below Level 50.

A good technique would be to summon Dark Pals to fight Saya & Selyne while you take shots at them with powerful weapons such as a Rocket Launcher, Laser Rifle, and others.

Aiming for Selyne’s head will allow you to deal more damage and also have a chance to cancel some of the attacks that it uses.

Saya & Selyne Rewards

Defeating Saya & Selyne will reward you with 5 Ancient Technology Points, which can be used later to unlock Ancient Technology from your Technology Menu.

Additionally, defeating this Tower boss will unlock the Blossom Sovereign Achievement, which will appear on Steam.


Saya & Selyne are known to be one of the more difficult bosses to defeat since they have a large health pool and deal more damage than most Tower Bosses.

It is important to make sure you are wearing good armor and have weapons to utilize during the fight since there will be a time limit that results in your death if you fail to beat Saya & Selyne.

Dark Pals are recommended but not a must since the important thing is that your Pals have high levels and have been upgraded.

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