Helzephyr Lux (Location, Breeding Combinations, Drops, Uses & Partner Skill)

Helzephyr Lux is an Electric and Dark variant of Helzephyr, which was originally a Dark Flying Pal that you would encounter before the Sakurajima Update.

This Pal features similar abilities to its original variant but has taken up Electric Active Skills that it can use instead of just Dark Attacks.

Helzephyr Lux is capable of dealing a lot of damage once it reaches higher levels and it also serves as a decent mount that can even empower its rider’s attacks.

Helzephyr Lux Pal in Palworld

Helzephyr Lux Location

Helzephyr Lux is found wandering in the Northern Rock Field on Sakurajima Island

Helzephyr Lux can be found wandering in the Northern Rock Field, which is to the north of Sakurajima Island.

These Electric and Dark Pals are often seen in pairs flying around but damaging them will force them to a lower altitude where you can engage the Pals to defeat or capture them.

Helzephyr Lux Breeding Combinations

Breeding a Helzephyr Lux can only be done in two ways, which are to breed two Helzephyr Lux Pals or to breed a Beakon with a Helzephyr.

During the earlier parts of the game, you may obtain Helzephyr Lux through breeding but if you have already reached Sakurajima, it may be best to capture one for its high level.

Helzephyr Lux Uses

Since Helzephyr Lux can use both Dark and Electric attacks, this gives it the ability to do extra damage against Pals that are weak against such damage types.

Helzephyr Lux is known to be one of the faster Flying Pals in the game, especially when you breed it to get certain Passive Skills.

Keeping one of these Pals in your base will provide you with a way to generate electricity for some of your more advanced structures.

Partner Skill

Helzephyr Lux has the Wings of Thunder Partner Skill, which gives its owner the ability to ride it once the required saddle has been crafted.

Additionally, Wings of Thunder will cause your attacks to have Electric Damage applied to them, allowing you to deal more damage to Water Pals.

The ability to fly around makes it easy to explore Palpagos Island as well as reach areas that you could not normally reach by foot.

Work Suitability

Helzephyr can be assigned to a base to generate electricity for Power Generators and may also transport items they find. (They also do a good job with defending)

  • Generating Electricity (Level 3)
  • Transporting (Level 3)

Possible Drops

Helzephyr Lux Drops

  • Electric Organ (100%)
  • Medium Pal Soul (3%)

Alpha Helzephyr Lux Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts (100%)
  • Electric Organ (100%)
  • Medium Pal Soul (3%)
  • Precious Plume (100%)


Helzephyr Lux is good for both traveling by your side or as a mount as well as keeping it in a base for different reasons.

Since it has a higher Generating Electricity level than most Electric Pals, using Helzephyr Lux can be a good way to maintain power.

Helzephyr Lux is a powerful fighter when you are facing Water Pals and riding on its back and using your ranged weapons will deal electric damage.

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