How to Restore Sanity of Pals in Palworld

The Pals that you capture in Palworld become loyal to you as they will fight, work, and accompany you with the many things you do.

Those who are left to work at your base will often continue until they are tired but sometimes your Pals can become stressed or sick, which prevents them from doing anything.

This happens often when their Sanity (SAN) goes down and to get them back in good condition, you need to restore their Sanity.

A pal with very low Sanity in Palworld

What Is SAN in Palworld?

Sanity is a meter that shows how good a Pal’s condition is and this is reduced with the more work that they do at your base.

The more a Pal does work at a base, the faster their Sanity becomes depleted and once it is low or has nothing left, they will no longer be in the mood to work.

Eventually, Pals who have low Sanity will tend to slack off and avoid doing work and may even develop mental and physical illnesses such as getting injured, sick, or becoming depressed.

Pals who have such illnesses will be unable to perform as well as they can in good condition, which slows down their progress with any work they do.

How To Restore Sanity of Pals?

A Pal’s Sanity will recover on its own at a slow rate and this can take some time before they are back to good condition but there are other ways to speed this up.

1) Building Hot Springs

Building Hot Springs for a pal to restore its sanity

Springs are a great way to let your Pals take a moment to relax, which can be done once you build a Hot Spring (Unlocks at Level 9) or a High Quality Hot Spring (Unlocks at Level 35) in your base.

Once your Pal starts to lose Sanity, they will take a break and instead of walking around your base, they will rest up in a Hot Spring.

Resting in a Hot Spring will allow your Pals to recover Sanity quickly while a High Quality Hot Spring improves this at an even faster rate.

2) Build Beds For Workers

Building Beds For Workers Pal

When you add Pals as workers at your base, you will be able to see how many of them are active and this requires each one to have a bed.

Without a bed, your Pals will slowly become stressed, and this will only take a matter of nights before they start showing bad signs.

Pals who have a bed to sleep will 

3) Feeding Food

Feeding Food to pals to increase their santiy

Feeding your Pal food appears as an act that you can do which will restore a small amount of Sanity as this is simply taking care of them.

On the other hand, you can also feed them certain food items that restore Sanity, which can be checked by viewing the food item’s information.

If you have food items that restore Sanity, you can leave them in a Feed Box for your Pals to eat on their own when they are hungry. (Pals will eat the first item in the storage and move to the next)

4) Interacting With Pal

Interacting With a Pal to increase their sanity in a tiny amount

When you approach a Pal, you have the option to open its menu, and this allows you to feed and pet the Pal as available actions.

Selecting Pet Your Pal will start a short animation where you call it over and gently pet it, which restores a tiny amount of Sanity.

This can be a good action to do now and then with Pals who are working extremely hard as every drop of Sanity will count sometimes.


Sanity should always be checked to make sure that your Pals stay in peak condition as things will be slower if they are unhappy.

If you fail to keep your Pal’s Sanity up, they will eventually require Medical Supplies to remove any negative statuses that they have.

Making sure that your Pals have a place to sleep and have a source of food will keep your base running and having a hot spring will ensure they perform better.

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