Elizabee (Location, Drops, Uses, Work & Partner Skill)

Elizabee is a Grass Pal that acts as a “queen bee” that is often accompanied by Beegarde as it roams around certain areas.

This Pal tends to utilize Grass Attacks to damage its enemies but also has Neutral and Dark attacks that it may be equipped with.

Similar to the Beegarde that accompanies Elizabee, this Pal has multiple uses at a base and can be a powerful fighter in your party.

Elizabee Pal

Elizabee Location

Elizabee Pal location map

Similar to Beegarde, Elizabee can be found mainly around Verdant Brook but may also be encountered in nearby regions.

  • Verdant Brook
  • Eastern Wild Island
  • Moonless Shore

Elizabee Uses

Elizabee can be a powerful fighter on a team, especially when its damage has been boosted by Beegarde that is added to your party.

Its ability to perform multiple tasks at a base makes it a great choice for a Pal since it can build, craft, plant, gather, produce medicine, and more.

Having additional Beegarde in your party affects its Queen Bee Command Partner Skill, improving its stats with them on your team.

Partner Skill

Elizabee’s Partner Skill is called Queen Bee Command, which provides it with increased Attack and Defense based on how many Beegarde are in your party.

The additional Attack and Defense provided make Elizabee a great Pal to have as you are progressing through the game as it can fight other Pals easily.

Having more than one Beegarde will cause the bonus Attack and Defense to stack and may even affect multiple Elizabee in your party.

Work Suitability

When assigned to a base, Elizabee can be a big help due to the many Work Suitability Skills that it has to offer.

  • Planting (Level 2)
  • Handiwork (Level 2)
  • Lumbering (Level 1)
  • Medicine Production (Level 2)
  • Gathering (Level 2)

Possible Drops

Elizabee Drops

  • Honey
  • Elizabee’s Staff

Alpha Elizabee Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts
  • Honey
  • Precious Plume
  • Metal Armor Schematic 4


Elizabee can be a great addition to your party if you plan on using it with Beegarde and it becomes even stronger with upgrades from a Pal Condenser.

Unlike Beegarde, this Pal is not capable of producing honey at a Ranch and is not hunted that much for its resources but some tend to do so to get Elizabee’s Staff.

Having multiple Beegarde at your base will not affect an Elizabee that has also been assigned to the same base as this only works in a party. 

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