Galeclaw (Location, Drops, Uses, Work & Partner Skill)

Galeclaw is one of the smaller flying Pals that you may find around Palpagos Island, which can be quite aggressive when threatened.

This Neutral Pal has a combination of Neutral, Ground, and Grass Active Skills among the list of attacks that it can learn as it grows stronger.

Regardless of its smaller size, Galeclaw is still capable of assisting its master by slowing their descent and giving them an advantage over enemies while they do this.

Galeclaw pal

Galeclaw Location

Galeclaw pal location map

  • Bamboo Groves
  • Moonless Shore

Galeclaw Uses

Galeclaw can be a useful fighter in any group as it flies around quickly and can unleash different attacks, which have elements that can be effective against certain Pals.

When assigned to a base, Galeclaw will only be able to gather crops from the Plantations once they have been tended to.

Galeclaw can be used as a substitute for your glider and also allows you to fire at enemies at the same time that you ascend.

Partner Skill

Galeclaws Partner Skill is called Galeclaw Rider, which allows you to use Galeclaw as a glider when you want to descend slowly.

Not only can you use Galeclaw as a glider but doing so will allow you to use weapons while you are in midair, allowing you to glide and shoot at the same time.

This gives you a good chance to attack your enemies even if you are gliding, which can be helpful when you need a slow descent that doesn’t mess up your aim.

Work Suitability

Assigning a Galeclaw to your base will only allow it to collect crops from Plantations, which may not be that much unless you have other Pals to move the items.

  • Gathering (Level 2)

Possible Drops

Galeclaw Drops

  • Galeclaw Poultry
  • Leather

Alpha Galeclaw Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts
  • Galeclaw Poultry
  • Leather
  • Precious Plume
  • Ring of Resistance


Galeclaw is a feist Pal and if you have encountered it in the past, you may find that it can be quite annoying and even deadly if you are unprepared.

These Pals are often hunted for their Galeclaw Poultry, which is a consumable that can be used as food or to cook better recipes.

Utilizing Galeclaw as a glider will require that you unlock and craft Galeclaw’s Gloves (Key Item) and that it is in your inventory.

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