Incineram Noct (Location, Breeding, Drops, Uses & Work)

Incineram Noct is a purely Dark Variant of the Fire and Dark Pal called Incineram, which is almost the same as its original variation.

Being a nocturnal Pal, Incineram Noct can work at any time at a base instead of going to sleep like others.

Obtainable by going into forbidden areas around Palpagos Island, Incineram Noct are rare and are also obtained by breeding.

Incineram Noct Pal

Incineram Noct Location

Incineram Noct pal location map

Incineram Noct can be found in Wildlife Sanctuaries 2 and 3 but may also be bred at your base to avoid going through the trouble of becoming wanted.

How To Breed Incineram Noct?

breeding Incineram Noct

Breeding an Incineram and Maraithe at a Breeding Farm will result in them producing a Large Dark Egg that hatches into an Incineram Noct.

Incineram Noct Uses

Incineram Noct is mainly used as a Pal that can fight alongside you when in your party or may be kept at a base to work on different tasks.

The difference that Incineram Noct has when it comes to being at a base is that it does not require sleep and will continue to work during the night.

Additionally, Incineram Noct has the same Partner Skill as its original, allowing it to perform a powerful attack when commanded.

Partner Skill

Incineram Noct has the Darkclaw Hunter Partner Skill, which allows it to perform a powerful version of the Hellfire Claw Active Skill.

This attack does not share the same cooldown as the Active Skill itself and may be used whenever you want to as long as it is not on cooldown.

With two Hellfire Claw attacks having their cooldowns, you can decide when Incineram Noct will perform this powerful attack.

Work Suitability

Unlike its original variant, Incineram Noct does not have the Kindling Work Suitability Skill but to make up for this, the Pal does not need to sleep and may work continuously.

  • Handiwork (Level 2)
  • Transporting (Level 2)
  • Mining (Level 1)

Possible Drops

Incineram Noct Drops

  • Horn
  • Leather

Alpha Incineram Noct Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts
  • Horn
  • Leather
  • Precious Claw
  • Ring of Dark Resistance +1


Incineram Noct may be a better choice than its original variant in certain ways since it only has one weakness but still has all of the Active Skills.

One of the best things about having this Pal at your base is that it doesn’t need any rest and you can expect that tasks done by it will be completed faster.

Sometimes it is best to breed Incineram Noct rather than to head to the Wildlife Sanctuaries as this can end up with you getting your crime level up.

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